Friday, July 9, 2010

Health Care Reform "The Patient’s Bill of Rights"

Health Care Reform Bill that the Republicans want to repeal is not good for the American People. Sure it may not be perfect, but can you show me anything in government that is perfect? The Patient’s Bill of Rights is out now and you will be able to see for yourself that it is good for the American People just like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, Fire Department, Police Department and the Armies and more.

The Republicans say that we cannot afford this but the reality is that we cannot afford not the Republican way anymore. They have had the time and resources to do something about Health Care and did nothing. Doing nothing is why President Obama is President today; make change to the way Washington works or the way it did not work.

The Patient’s Bill of Rights is just a start of a good thing for Americans and its part of that change that the Insurance Companies and the Republicans, bring financed by the Insurance Companies, were and still fighting. The Insurance Companies don’t want it because it will cut into their profits of billions of dollars and the Republicans are fighting it because it is bringing in millions of dollars to their campaign if they stick with Insurance Companies policies. This is flat out wrong.

Come in November you will have to make a choice of siding with big insurance companies and vote for repealing good Patient’s Bill of Rights or you can vote Democrats or Independent and keep the new laws into effect. This is not a hard choice giving the past experiences of the Republican Party of screwing the American People each and every way they can. All the Republicans want is Power. Power comes when you do the right thing for the American People and not for big Insurance Companies, big Bank, big Oil Companies and so. I believe you get the picture. Not doing the right thing is why the Republicans are out of power in the first place because the Republican Party totally thinks that the American People are just plain stupid.

The American People are not stupid and putting President Obama as our President is proof of that. The American People want real change period and they know that Republicans, big Oil Companies, big Banks and more are going to do everything they can to disrupt President Obama’s Agenda because it will take part of their billion dollar profit away from them.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

President Obama Slams the Republican Party

What is in the hell is wrong with the Republicans? They just keep trying to destroy our country and they just don't care about the American People. How can anyone ever put another Republican back in office after their failed leadership and the destruction of our economy? I do not ever want to go back to what have happened during Bush and his Gang years.

President Obama Slams Republicans with good cause. This time they have disrupted the money that over 7 million people need to live on because of the "Failed Republicans Policies". One thing for sure the Republicans are keeping to their agenda "Make Obama Fail" and they don't care who they hurt and what lies they have to tell during the process. The Democrats are not perfect but they sure in the hell are not destroying this country or the people. President Obama has done nothing but good for this country and the Republicans have done nothing but destroy our country and the people. Time to get President Obama the tools he needs to fix our country, get rid of the Republicans in November and replace them with Democrats or Independents, but No Republicans.

President Obama Slams the Republican Party

Monday, May 10, 2010

Republicans Great Act "Greed"

Republicans again show the leadership that the American People do not need. In this case letting, the big oil companies get their way by not making it mandatory for emergency blowout valves on oil rigs out at sea as other countries require. Instead the Republicans let it go because of the big money poured into the Republican Party by oil companies and now look at the results, the spilling of oil into the Gulf.
The total limit of liability for the oil companies as of this moment is 75 or 775 million dollars which is most likely has reached its limits. Members of Congress are thinking to raise it to 10 Billion Dollars but that in its self is way below the cost of cleanup when some experts estimate that the cost will exceed 16 Billion Dollars. The real costs will never be accounted for because of the damage that we cannot see or estimate.
The question is not when but if Congress will ever get it about offshore drilling. There will always be accidents in oil rig drilling and in Nuclear Plants when cost is the most important factor over safety. Congress is only concerned about the donations and getting elected again to keep the high salary, excellent Health Care which all Republicans voted down for all Americans, and the power of the office.
The Republicans very same thinking of Wall Street Reform will bring down Wall Street Reform just like it brought down Health Care Reform. How much damage do you really want to see before you understand that this batch of Republicans is bad for America?

All of the decisions that the Republicans have made in the past nine years have brought our country down and disabled our economy. Their agenda of destroy the Obama Administration is very bad for our country. President Obama has asked the Republicans time over and over again to help but they flat out refuse to do. I really would like to know what drugs the Republicans are on. On one in their right mind would ever do the things that they been doing over the past year and a half.
These are all very good reasons to vote for Kendrick Meek for Florida Senator, Alex Sink for Florida Governor, Dave Aronburg for Attorney General, and any other Democrat for office. There are the Independents which there are some good ones that I do not know but Charlie Crist is one of them. I will not be voting for him because he will not help you if you e-mail him and ask for help. I have corruption documents proving corruption here in Florida and Charlie Crist will do nothing about it after he says that he will fight corruption. That is a flat out lie. I have contacted him many times and he refuses to do anything about it, in fact, he has not even looked at any of the papers that I have. If you were interested in fighting corruption and someone said he/she has proof of corruption here in Florida I would have sent some over to at least look at what that person has. Charlie Crist has done nothing.
The fact is one day I e-mail Dave Aronburg by mistake and he even responded to me personally. Then I told him about the corruption and he is having one of his assistant helping me. This is a very good reason why I am voting for Dave Aronburg for Attorney General. We need more people like Dave Aronburg that are interested in helping the people of Florida instead of helping their own careers. Helping people will help their careers in the long run. I cannot get a Republican to help anyone except themselves.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Keith Olbermann on Rubio

Keith Olbermann rips Rubio

Monday, March 22, 2010

Scott Hicks Response

I love Steve & Trachena & what they are doing with Surrender40. My pastor was going over "The Greatest Commandment" with us at our church here in Southern New Jersey & he pointed out that the second part-"Love thy neighbor" if followed the way Jesus intended us to do would eliminate the problems we have in society. I got it & then saw it when I met Steve & Trachena on Twitter. The two of them truly are shining examples of what we all should strive to be, The Hands & Feet of Jesus Christ the Saviour until His return.

I am so disappointed in the city council of Miami trying to impose financial restrictions on anyone doing what the city has failed to do: Feed and Shelter the homeless. Instead of making charities jump through beauracratic hoops and pay for unnecessary permits with the limited resources they have, the city should be providing the support needed to encourage these people to continue doing what they do.

As a donor and friend to Steve & Trachena, I will continue to send them what I can, but it is upsetting to me that the money I will be sending them will now partially wind up in the hands of the city council of Miami, who have no need for it. All the money donated to Surrender 40 is precious, limited and should only be used to accomplish the mission, not be wasted on an employee of the city putting a stamp on some worthless permit that does nothing to help the cause.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Bad Idea for the Homeless and the City

As I was reading the news I came across a news article from Miami Today News and that it brought up something I remembered last year as I was walking toward downtown and the article was called "No free lunch: Miami to vote on licensing feeding of homeless" so I started reading the article:
A proposed Miami ordinance that would make it illegal for unauthorized persons or groups to feed the homeless downtown won a vote of support last week from directors of Miami's Downtown Development Authority.

As I read it I started thinking about me walking to downtown last year as I past the City Hall located at 444 SW 2nd Avenue I notice a car with the trunk up and some people standing around it and I also noticed other people walking up to the car and the people there were handing out some food. There were way too many people living on the streets and were without the basic, food to eat.

I went over the car and asked what was going on? The guy told me that he has been coming here handing out food for the people that needed it. He told me that he has been doing this for awhile. I asked him how did you get the money to do this. He told me at that time he was paying for all the food himself. His wife, daughter, and he bought the food and at home made the sandwiches every Saturday morning and then load the car up and come here in the afternoon to give them to the people that had nothing to eat. He also gave out a copy of the bible which he buys and gives to the people to read.

As I was talking to Steve, right now I do not remember his last name but I do have is website: Surrender40 "Reaching out to the homeless, the sick and the prisoner through God's Love". The others were his wife and his daughter helping out giving food to the people. It’s not the just giving out the food, there is a lot of work that goes into getting the food ready for the homeless. The day that I met Steve and his family they were giving out sandwiches and it takes time to make all of them along with the cost too. I really like what Steve and his family is doing for the homeless people even when the local government has failed at this and many other things too. A person without food and homes to live in is a major failure of our governments.

Steve told me that the problem is overwhelming here in Miami. I agree with him as I walk through downtown and I live not far from it. I come across homeless people all the time each and every day. Now the City Commissioners want to charge people like Steve and his family that take money out of their own pockets and make them pay for a permit along with putting up portable toilets and have some way of cleaning up the streets. I think that there should be some way of cleaning up the streets but the City should clean up their own mess first before even thinking about having people like Steve pay all this extra money doing a job that was created by the City of Miami, Miami-Dade County, State of Florida, Federal Government, and Justice System
Madoff defrauded many people out of money and the government had tax payer money paying inspectors to make sure that would never happen to people. Allen Stanford was another failed paid regulators that did nothing until everyone was defrauded out of their money. There are laws and tax paid inspectors that regulate the Mortgage Industry and nothing was done to correct that before everything came crashing down which has caused many people to become homeless and now they want to charge good people trying to help these people. This is a shame and a disgrace. Besides the Mortgage Regulators failed to do their job caused the largest meltdown since the Great Depression. So instead of charging people that help they should charge the people that cause the problem in the first place, Failed Salary Paid City Officials and Inspectors out of their own pockets since the taxpayers has already paid them to do a job and they failed.
I walk on SW 3rd Avenue from 9th Street North toward the Jose Marti Park I come upon, I believe SW 3rd Street where the City just redid the sidewalks and curbs by the Miami River. Nobody uses the street and it is thrashed out with the weeds growing up and nobody takes care of it. I could be wrong but I think is because of the cuts in the City Budget. So to make up for this shortfall the City is trying to put extra taxes on people that are doing the City job of making sure that the Homeless People have jobs so they can eat and have a place to live. This is wrong. There are many streets around the river that have been redone and are thrashed out after they spent millions of tax payer dollars making it look nice. The City is not maintaining the streets that they just fixed and then they have the nerve to say: "The trash, rats and feces have gotten to the level that it needs the attention of the city commission and the authority.” The problem is that this is a very old problem that the City has neglected for years and now wants to blain it all on the people feeding the homeless. That problem has been there for years and has been neglected by the city for years and years, not the people feeding the homeless.

I like what Surrender 40 is doing and the City Commissioners should attend to fixing what caused the problem in the first place, City, County, State, and Federal internal working structure, jobs, the Judicial System, would all be a good start instead of messing with people that already have enough problems. The homeless people do not need more problems cause by more government stupidity.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Putting Washington at the Service of the Middle Class

Weekly Address: Opening Doors for Small Business February 6, 2010

Reaching Across the Aisle on Jobs and Health Reform